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Who are you?
I'm a doctor.
A doctor.
Chemical pathology, neurosurgery.
Fellow of the Royal Society.
I'm also a lawyer.
My name is Jekyll.
Dr. Henry Jekyll.
There you are.
These days, I specialize in immunology, perhaps.
Infectious disease, perhaps.
I would like, if I may, Mr. Morton,
to tell you a story.
A story about a patient of mine.
A man of promise.
A man who believed he was beyond reproach
until he got ill.
The disease manifested itself in subtle ways, at first.
And then it grew
into an overwhelming desire, an unquenchable thirst...
...for chaos.
For the suffering of others.
He was quite fortunate.
He himself was a physician.
And if evil were a pathogen, he reasoned,
then there must surely be a cure.
I would like, if I may, Mr. Morton,
to show you something.
Welcome to Prodigium, Mr. Morton.
From the Latin, monstrum vel prodigium.
"A warning of monsters."
Forgive the state of things.
We had very little time to prepare for our guest
and only the information Jennifer provided to go on.
In truth, she works for us.
It's not an exact science, this business.
And the business being?
Evil, Mr. Morton.
Recognize, contain, examine, destroy.
She is by far the most ancient we've ever encountered.
works - lavori
welcome - benvenuto
warning - avvertimento
until - fino a
unquenchable - inestinguibile
truth - verità
thirst - sete
things - cose
there - là
surely - certamente
subtle - sottile
state - stato
specialize - specializzarsi
something - qualcosa
society - società
royal - reale
science - scienza
recognize - riconoscere
reasoned - motivata
quite - abbastanza
promise - promettere
guest - ospite
monsters - mostri
provided - fornito
monstrum - monstrum
lawyer - avvocato
exact - esatto
fellow - compagno
disease - malattia
first - primo
henry - henry
prepare - preparare
suffering - sofferenza
destroy - distruggere
believed - creduto
being - essere
jennifer - jennifer
doctor - medico
perhaps - forse
business - attività commerciale
chaos - caos
would - voluto
encountered - incontrato
chemical - chimico
forgive - perdonare
contain - contenere
these - queste
fortunate - fortunato
pathogen - patogeno
himself - lui stesso
desire - desiderio
immunology - immunologia
infectious - infettivo
itself - si
story - storia
manifested - manifestato
about - di
information - informazione
pathology - patologia
jekyll - Jekyll
latin - latino
reproach - rimprovero
overwhelming - travolgente
neurosurgery - neurochirurgia
beyond - al di là
little - piccolo
others - altri
prodigium - prodigium
examine - esaminare
ancient - antico
patient - paziente
morton - Morton
physician - medico
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