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And I smell Coppertone.
That means that Captain Linda Greenlaw...
...a lady vain about her nose, is in my wheelhouse.
Make that Hawaiian Tropic.
At least I got the nose right.
Your guys are loading bait and groceries.
- You doing a turnaround? - No rest for the weary.
There you go. Flaunting your work ethic.
I don't have a work ethic. I just have work.
If I'm gonna catch up to you.
I love to watch you study charts.
Because you know them all by heart.
What is so special about today that you're blowing smoke up my ass?
I thought I'd make a pass.
I'm looking for a guy to come home to Maine with me... a house and raise a few kids.
What does that guy and you do after?
The thing is, I'm happy. I'm happy I'm fit to do this.
I just don't see the romance in it.
But you've got it, Captain Greenlaw.
You do. Believe me.
I've seen them come and go.
The day I laid eyes on you, I said to myself "She's gonna be a good one."
You can't be good unless you love it.
The fog's just lifting.
You throw off your bow line, throw off your stern.
You head out the South Channel...
...past Rocky Neck, Ten Pound Island...
...past Niles Pond, where I skated as a kid.
Then the birds show up.
Black-backs and... herring gulls, big dump ducks.
The sun hits you.
Head north, open up to 12.
steaming now.
The guys are busy, you're in charge.
You know what? You're a goddamn swordboat captain.
Is there anything better in the world?
where - dove
wheelhouse - timoniera
weary - stanco
watch - orologio
unless - salvo che
tropic - tropico
throw - gettare
thought - pensato
thing - cosa
study - studia
stern - poppa
steaming - cottura a vapore
smell - odore
skated - pattinato
south - sud
gonna - andando
hawaiian - hawaiano
goddamn - dannazione
flaunting - ostentando
heart - cuore
ducks - anatre
anything - qualsiasi cosa
world - mondo
north - nord
herring - aringa
ethic - etica
groceries - drogheria
smoke - fumo
catch - catturare
black - nero
about - di
coppertone - Coppertone
captain - capitano
after - dopo
channel - canale
swordboat - swordboat
doing - fare
believe - credere
charts - grafici
backs - schiene
today - oggi
better - meglio
birds - uccelli
pound - libbra
blowing - soffiando
special - speciale
charge - carica
greenlaw - Greenlaw
gulls - gabbiani
raise - aumentare
rocky - roccioso
happy - contento
turnaround - girarsi
maine - Maine
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
least - meno
lifting - sollevamento
romance - romanza
island - isola
house - casa
linda - linda
loading - caricamento in corso
means - si intende
because - perché
myself - me stessa
there - là
niles - niles
right - destra
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