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The Sound of Music - My Favorite Things (It)

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    Categoria: Musical
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    Raindrops on roses and
    whiskers on kittens.

    Bright copper kettles and
    warm woolen mittens

    Brown paper packages
    tied up with strings

    These are a few of my
    favorite things

    Cream-colored ponies and
    crisp apple strudels

    Doorbells and sleigh bells
    and schnitzel with noodles

    Wild geese that fly with
    the moon on their wings

    These are a few of my favorite things

    Girls in white dresses with
    blue satin sashes

    Snowflakes that stay on
    my nose and eyelashes

    Silver white winters that melt into springs

    These are a few of my favorite things

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