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- Mom?
- Yeah?
Mom, you need to come
and get us right now.
What? What happened?
Mom, get in the car
and come right now.
Do you know how long
that would take by car, Rebecca?
Mom, trust me, there is something
wrong with Nana and Pop Pop.
I'm telling you, you need to come
and pick us up tonight.
Becca, you're scaring me.
My heart is in my throat.
We're okay now.
Just come.
Where are they now?
They're outside
by the chicken coops.
They won't see you.
They've been acting so strange, Mom.
We've been recording them.
I kept telling Becca
something was wrong, didn't I?
Becca, Tyler...
Nana walks around
at night with a knife.
Pop Pop had a gun in his mouth.
Becca, Tyler, babies,
I need you to listen to me very carefully.
Becca, Tyler,
just listen to me.
We are.
Those aren't your grandparents.
What are you
talking about, Mom?
Where are Nana and Pop Pop?
You've been staying
with those people the whole time?
Masonville Police Department.
Come on, come on.
What are you guys doing?
We'll be right in,
This is the Masonville
County Police Department.
Our officer, Jerry,
is currently out on dispatch.
Please leave a message...
Police aren't answering.
Damn it! Stupid hick town.
Okay. I'm gonna keep calling
from the car, I promise.
Get you and your brother out.
Try to get
to a neighbor.
I'm coming.
After we clear up,
I have a fantastic idea.
We should play a board game!
Families play board games.
It's our
last night together.
You'll help me
clean up, right?
You can record it
with your camera.
- Okay.
- Yeah!
would - voluto
whole - totale
where - dove
walks - passeggiate
tyler - Tyler
tonight - stasera
together - insieme
there - là
telling - raccontare
wrong - sbagliato
sweethearts - innamorati
strange - strano
staying - stare
something - qualcosa
should - dovrebbero
right - destra
recording - registrazione
those - quelli
department - dipartimento
families - famiglie
county - contea
coming - venuta
answering - segreteria
brother - fratello
trust - fiducia
games - i giochi
gonna - andando
carefully - accuratamente
board - tavola
clean - pulito
coops - cooperative
doing - fare
listen - ascolta
clear - chiaro
happened - è accaduto
stupid - stupido
please - per favore
camera - macchina fotografica
outside - al di fuori
after - dopo
throat - gola
becca - becca
chicken - pollo
talking - parlando
message - messaggio
about - di
knife - coltello
around - in giro
acting - recitazione
dispatch - spedizione
fantastic - fantastico
currently - attualmente
calling - chiamata
heart - cuore
masonville - masonville
jerry - jerry
leave - partire
mouth - bocca
neighbor - vicino
babies - bambini
grandparents - nonni
officer - ufficiale
night - notte
people - persone
police - polizia
scaring - spaventare
promise - promettere
rebecca - rebecca
record - disco
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