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Think Like a Man Too - Marry Me (It)

Scena tratta dal film La guerra dei sessi
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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    I've been texting you, I've been calling you.

    You couldn't just let me know you were okay?

    I needed some space.

    You know, Mya, I've been doing a lot of thinking.

    Yeah, Zeke. I've been doing a lot of thinking, too.

    Please, let me get this off my chest.

    I want us to be together.

    But you weren't honest with me about your past. Come on, you know it.

    Okay, I give you that. But let me just explain why.

    I already know why. It's the whole "Zeke the Freak" thing.

    You just can't let it go.

    No, Mya, it's everybody else who can't let it go. Okay, I admit,

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