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I swear to God, put it down.
Harry, what are you doing?
Harry, what are you doing?
This is not a delusion!
No? Okay, fine.
Tell you what.
Is that proof enough for you?
Would I have done that if this were for real?
You see, I'm not afraid, Doug.
You shouldn't be either.
That's enough of this bullshit.
Now, you are gonna tell him the truth,
or I swear to God I'm gonna kill you.
Don't... Don't.
Hauser... He's trying to manipulate
you into giving yourself up!
- We got to get out of here.
- And go where?
There's no getting
out of your own head, Doug.
But you can escape this nightmare
if you let me help you.
Help me how?
- Don't listen to him.
- How can you help me?
You have to shoot her, Doug.
What, now?
I know that's asking a lot,
but she's at the epicenter of this
whole twisted fantasy of yours.
She represents all your frustration,
all your unhappiness.
Which is why it would
mean nothing if we were to kill her.
It's you who has to choose reality.
You shoot her, Doug, and I promise you,
you'll gasp awake
and find me sitting in the room beside you.
The real me.
- No.
- Your old pal, Harry.
Look at me.
Turn, and you'll see your
beautiful, loving wife.
She wants you back, Doug.
We both do.
That's right, Doug.
Come on back.
Come on back, Doug.
I can't let them take you away.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Of course she can't do it.
She's not real.
Now you just need to prove it to yourself.
End her, Doug.
End this nightmare.
Shoot her!
Kill her, damn it!
yourself - te stesso
gonna - andando
giving - dando
escape - fuga
enough - abbastanza
frustration - frustrazione
course - corso
epicenter - epicentro
afraid - impaurito
fantasy - fantasia
truth - verità
trying - provare
harry - harry
awake - sveglio
reality - la realtà
beside - accanto
either - o
bullshit - cazzate
listen - ascolta
doing - fare
getting - ottenere
delusion - illusione
choose - scegliere
loving - amorevole
beautiful - bellissimo
where - dove
represents - rappresenta
nothing - niente
asking - chiede
nightmare - incubo
promise - promettere
prove - dimostrare
manipulate - manipolare
whole - totale
right - destra
sitting - seduta
sorry - scusa
proof - prova
swear - giurare
twisted - contorto
hauser - hauser
would - voluto
unhappiness - infelicità
wants - vuole
which - quale
shoot - sparare
yours - il tuo
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