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Okay. Look at that guy!
Oh, that's one job I'd never do. Working around electricity.
Hold up. That's Edgar Deems.
Come on.
He only wears that one damn jacket.
That's him, I'm telling you.
Man, oh, man. He sure must've been drunk this time.
Edgar, get your butt down from there!
Well, shit. We can't leave him up there.
Thank you, Edgar.
You owe me on this one, you damned old boozehound.
One of these days, you're gonna get your ass on a wagon and stay there.
It's not like I don't have better things to do than climb towers...
...and drag your hairy ass down.
Was it a heart attack, doctor?
No. He died of dehydration. Thirst.
Well, that doesn't make any sense.
That takes a couple of days, doesn't it?
Maybe even three or four.
You mean he sat up there three or four days?
He sat up there and just died of thirst?
working - lavoro
wears - indossa
wagon - carro
towers - torri
thirst - sete
things - cose
thank - ringraziare
telling - raccontare
takes - prende
there - là
deems - Deems
boozehound - Boozehound
around - in giro
heart - cuore
damned - dannato
climb - scalata
sense - senso
attack - attacco
jacket - giacca
doctor - medico
leave - partire
three - tre
couple - coppia
better - meglio
drunk - ubriaco
dehydration - disidratazione
electricity - elettricità
edgar - edgar
these - queste
never - mai
gonna - andando
hairy - peloso
jesus - Gesù
maybe - può essere
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