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He dallied in Monroe, Louisiana, and Pine Bluff, Arkansas,
before turning up at your father's place.
Why did you not catch him in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, or Monroe, Louisiana?
He is a crafty one.
I thought him slow-witted, myself.
That was his act.
It was a good one. Are you some kind of law?
That's right.
I'm a Texas Ranger.
That may make you a big noise in that state.
In Arkansas, you should mind that your Texas trappings and title
do not make you an object of fun.
Why have you been ineffectually pursuing Chaney?
He shot and killed a state senator named Bibbs in Waco, Texas.
Bibbs family put out a reward.
How came Chaney to shoot a state senator?
My understanding is there was an argument about a dog.
Do you know anything about the whereabouts of Chaney?
He is in the Territory, and I hold out little hope for you earning your bounty.
- Why is that? - My man will beat you to it.
I have hired a deputy marshal, the toughest one they have.
And he's familiar with the Lucky Ned Pepper gang
they say Chaney's tied up with.
- Well, I will throw in with you and your marshal. - No.
- Marshal Cogburn and I are fine. - It'll be to our mutual advantage.
Your marshal, I presume, knows the Territory. I know Chaney.
It is at least a two-man job taking him alive.
When Chaney is taken, he's coming back to Fort Smith to hang.
I'm not having him go to Texas to hang for shooting some senator.
It is not important where he hangs, is it?
It is to me. Is it to you?
It means a great deal of money to me. It's been many months' work.
I'm sorry that you are paid piecework and not on wages,
and that you have been eluded the winter long by a halfwit.
You give out very little sugar with your pronouncements.
While I sat there watching you, I gave some thought to stealing a kiss,
though you are very young and sick and unattractive to boot.
But now I have a mind to give you five or six good licks with my belt.
One would be as unpleasant as the other.
If you wet your comb, it might tame that cowlick.
witted - witted
winter - inverno
while - mentre
young - giovane
watching - guardando
wages - salari
unpleasant - sgradevole
trappings - bardatura
toughest - più duro
title - titolo
texas - Texas
though - anche se
taking - presa
taken - prese
sorry - scusa
smith - fabbro
shooting - tiro
reward - ricompensa
pursuing - perseguendo
pronouncements - pronunciamenti
presume - presumere
place - posto
great - grande
ranger - guardia forestale
cogburn - cogburn
where - dove
eluded - eluso
state - stato
licks - lecca
earning - guadagno
lucky - fortunato
means - si intende
chaney - Chaney
deputy - vice
bluff - bluff
familiar - familiare
understanding - comprensione
cowlick - ciuffo ribelle
halfwit - halfwit
hangs - si blocca
arkansas - Arkansas
should - dovrebbero
killed - ucciso
dallied - indugiato
right - destra
named - di nome
throw - gettare
thought - pensato
bounty - generosità
whereabouts - dove
there - là
shoot - sparare
advantage - vantaggio
pepper - Pepe
family - famiglia
little - piccolo
sugar - zucchero
argument - discussione
before - prima
having - avendo
hired - assunti
important - importante
unattractive - poco attraente
ineffectually - inutilmente
crafty - furbo
knows - conosce
would - voluto
least - meno
alive - vivo
louisiana - Louisiana
marshal - maresciallo
senator - senatore
piecework - lavoro a cottimo
catch - catturare
object - oggetto
might - potrebbe
anything - qualsiasi cosa
money - i soldi
mutual - reciproco
stealing - furto
monroe - monroe
coming - venuta
myself - me stessa
turning - svolta
territory - territorio
noise - rumore
about - di
other - altro
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