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Unlocked - Go Order (It)

Scena tratta dal film Codice Unlocked
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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    St Thomas' Hospital is
    saying heart attack.

    Our own docs are en route, but...

    He's dead, right?

    Are we expecting that to change
    between now and after lunch?

    I'm asking because my wife

    is sitting alone at Chez Francois
    on our anniversary.

    Why was I called in?

    The prisoner McAllister
    was supposed to unlock.

    He's a courier for Imam Yazid Khaleel.

    - Khaleel has prison time left.
    - He got a new lawyer.

    Oh, how nice for him.

    The Brits have inner-circle assets
    saying that he just gave a go order

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