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St Thomas' Hospital is
saying heart attack.
Our own docs are en route, but...
He's dead, right?
Are we expecting that to change
between now and after lunch?
I'm asking because my wife
is sitting alone at Chez Francois
on our anniversary.
Why was I called in?
The prisoner McAllister
was supposed to unlock.
He's a courier for Imam Yazid Khaleel.
- Khaleel has prison time left.
- He got a new lawyer.
Oh, how nice for him.
The Brits have inner-circle assets
saying that he just gave a go order
for an attack on an
American target in the UK.
And we believe the courier
to be carrying it, sir.
American target?
All we have, sir.
- Who is the go order for?
- David Mercer.
Mercer? Trust-fund jihadi
of Bloomfield Hills.
He goes by his conversion name
now. Mohammed...
What is his connection
with Khaleel?
The imam's his spiritual authority.
Mercer won't lift a finger
without Khaleel's blessing.
Khaleel gives him credibility.
One more thing, sir.
The ordered attack...
It's thought to be biological.
Send a car for my wife and flowers.
And by flowers, I mean whatever it takes
to keep me off the couch tonight.
yazid - yazid
without - senza
whatever - qualunque cosa
trust - fiducia
tonight - stasera
target - bersaglio
spiritual - spirituale
sitting - seduta
route - itinerario
change - modificare
connection - connessione
conversion - conversione
couch - divano
carrying - portando
called - chiamato
asking - chiede
saying - detto
inner - interno
blessing - benedizione
alone - da solo
unlock - sbloccare
biological - biologico
between - fra
mercer - merciaio
bloomfield - bloomfield
assets - risorse
authority - autorità
hospital - ospedale
mohammed - Maometto
after - dopo
credibility - credibilità
thing - cosa
lunch - pranzo
supposed - ipotetico
attack - attacco
thought - pensato
anniversary - anniversario
believe - credere
courier - corriere
david - david
jihadi - jihadista
expecting - aspettandosi
because - perché
finger - dito
flowers - fiori
francois - francois
circle - cerchio
gives - dà
heart - cuore
hills - colline
khaleel - khaleel
lawyer - avvocato
mcallister - McAllister
order - ordine
ordered - ordinato
brits - brits
prison - prigione
takes - prende
american - americano
prisoner - prigioniero
right - destra
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