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Yeah, that's what's up.
I cannot believe that they
are still doing this.
What is it?
Uh, it is the Tri-Pi Chug Run.
You have to chug a big pitcher of beer...
...and then you have to get through
the course as fast as you can.
And you did this?
Because you hardly drink.
No, yeah. But, honey,
it's for charity.
Hi. Would you like to donate
to ass burgers?
Oh, no. We're just stopping by.
I was a Tri-Pi a long time ago, so...
In fact, the Chug Run was my idea.
It was?
Are you Debbie Fletcher?
How do you know who I am?
Oh, my God, are you kidding me?
You're like a legend at Tri-Pi.
You're Debbie Do-Anything!
- See?
- Oh, God.
Is it true that you climbed
the clock tower naked?
Of course not.
Did you really burn down Taco Bell?
Okay, ladies, heh.
I heard that you stuck a
finger in the dean's...
Go play.
would - voluto
through - attraverso
stopping - sosta
still - ancora
pitcher - brocca
debbie - debbie
charity - carità
climbed - scalato
cannot - non può
honey - miele
course - corso
kidding - prendendo in giro
because - perché
anything - qualsiasi cosa
clock - orologio
believe - credere
doing - fare
burgers - hamburger
really - veramente
donate - donare
drink - bere
hardly - quasi
finger - dito
fletcher - fletcher
stuck - incollato
heard - sentito
tower - torre
naked - nudo
ladies - le signore
legend - leggenda
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