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Valkyrie - No Handed (It)

Scena tratta dal film Operazione Valchiria
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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    This has been a drill!
    You're dismissed!

    How dare you put the Reserve Army on standby
    without my knowledge?

    Damn near cost me
    my commission.

    And what in God's name made you think you even
    had the authority?

    It was only a drill,
    an exercise.

    Oh, don't lie, Olbricht!
    Not to me.

    We both know it
    wasn't a drill.

    General, if I may ...

    No, you may not, Colonel.
    You may not do anything.

    Because not only have you proved to me
    you can't deliver,

    you've painted
    a target on my back.

    If I so much as sense you trying to move
    the Reserve Army again,

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