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She's dead.
- Who's dead? - You know damn well who's dead.
Listen to me.
He killed her and I'm not crazy.
Jody and I had a seance in the bathroom
...but when I went back there she was there. She was.
You had a seance?
- Are you angry with me? - What?
- Maybe you resent how busy I've been. - No.
You know what I've got at stake for this paper.
You know how important it is to me.
I can't help but feel that somehow you're... you're trying to sabotage
You're trying to hurt me.
This isn't about you.
Something is happening to me.
It's not to get even or... and it's not some warped bid for attention.
Something is happening in our house, whether you like it or not.
Claire, stop.
You're overreacting.
Don't tell me how to react.
- Will you keep your voice down? - I will not!
Maybe you're right.
Maybe I am losing my mind.
But what if I'm not?
What if she died some... some horrible death?
Can we please not do this here?
Oh, wow.
You. You think you're smart, don't you?
You think you got away with it.
Well, I know you killed her, you murdering son of a bitch!
- Who? - Don't give me that shit.
Your wife.
She's very upset. Forgive us, please.
I didn't kill my wife.
Are you all right?
warped - deformato
upset - irritato
stake - palo
think - pensare
something - qualcosa
sabotage - sabotaggio
right - destra
resent - risentirsi di
about - di
house - casa
death - morte
claire - claire
whether - se
crazy - pazzo
somehow - in qualche modo
bathroom - bagno
there - là
bitch - cagna
happening - avvenimento
angry - arrabbiato
attention - attenzione
listen - ascolta
horrible - orribile
overreacting - esagerando
killed - ucciso
please - per favore
forgive - perdonare
important - importante
losing - perdere
seance - seduta
maybe - può essere
trying - provare
murdering - assassinio
voice - voce
smart - inteligente
paper - carta
react - reagire
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