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Pronuncia di been in Inglese


Esempi dai film con Been

It's true, I've been working on this theory for over 20 years,
Lucy - A Higher Purpose
it's only ever been hypotheses and research ideas.
Lucy - A Higher Purpose
The sole purpose of life has been to
Lucy - A Higher Purpose
This has been a drill! You're dismissed!
Valkyrie - No Handed
means that I've been faithful to you since we met.
Clerks - 37 Cocks
Ain't you been listenin' to me?
Primal Fear - The Tape
Well, they may have been robots. I mean, I think they were robots.
Westworld - Delos Commercial
Well, I've just been the sheriff of Westworld for the last two weeks!
Westworld - Delos Commercial
My name's Arthur Caine. I've been in the castle.
Westworld - Delos Commercial
I have been stabbed, shot, poisoned...
Groundhog Day - Phil's a God
You know, maybe he's not omnipotent, he's just been around so long he knows everything.
Groundhog Day - Phil's a God
Where have you all been for the last five years?
Proof - Glad He's Dead
- Why? - Because he might have been lying.
Closer - Who Are You?
This is captain Pike, we've been cleared for takeoff.
Star Trek - Kirk Meets Bones
Clearly there's been a miscommunication between Clair George and somebody.
Charlie Wilson's War - Another Broken Window
I mean, you've never hired me before, and I've been around for...
Zoolander - Center For Kids Who Can't Read Good
- You know, I been listening and reading - You been reading now?
Do the Right Thing - Racist Stereotypes
The whole thing must have been so embarrassing for you.
Vertigo - Wandering Together
That's the first time I've been grateful for Coit Tower.
Vertigo - Wandering Together
I have not been out since Jimmy and I got divorced
Neighbors - Baby's First Rave
Look. We've been to Saturn. Hey, I've been to Saturn.
Beetlejuice - We're Simpatico
Sweetheart, my ass! We've been seein' more and more of these.
Scarface - Political Prisoner

Pronuncia audio di Been

Pronuncia americana

Been pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Been pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Been pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Been pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Been pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Been pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Been pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Been pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Been pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Been pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Been pronunciato da Brian (uomo)

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