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Pronuncia di believe in Inglese

  • ritenere
  • pensare
  • prestar fede
  • avere fiducia
  • avere fede
  • supporre

Esempi dai film con Believe

No? I don't believe it for a second. Look at that face.
The Hunger Games - Star-Crossed Lovers
But people didn't believe in this lead enough to drop a bomb.
Zero Dark Thirty - Kill Him For Me
- You don't believe in moles?. - I believe in moles, all right.
Salt - You Are a Russian Spy
As far as my faith is concerned, I believe in God, just like most people.
War Room - Hot or Cold?
- I do believe you will be happy with him. - Oh, I shall, Mama.
The Duchess - I Have Heard A Rumor
You cannot believe this is how you gonna die.
After Earth - Fear is a Choice
I want to believe you, but people make this claim all the time.
A Most Wanted Man - Annabel Richter
Also made what I believe to be a thoroughly promotion-worthy breakthrough.
Mission: Impossible 3 - The Anti-God
I've ceased to believe.
Heaven - I Love You
Ceased to believe in what?
Heaven - I Love You
I think they buy things with it. I don't... I believe.
Agent Cody Banks - Spy Gadgets
- I can't believe it. - How did you get this job?
Duplicity - All the Way In
I can't believe that he said that we were just friends.
What's Your Number? - Better With Time
That's what I keep telling my mom, but she doesn't believe me.
The Age of Adaline - No Scientific Explanation

Pronuncia audio di Believe

Pronuncia americana

Believe pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Believe pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Believe pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Believe pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Believe pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Believe pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Believe pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Believe pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Believe pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Believe pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Believe pronunciato da Brian (uomo)