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Pronuncia di doctor in Inglese

  • dottore
  • aggiustare
  • curare
  • falsificare
  • medicare
  • conferire una laurea a
  • adulterare
  • sanitario

Esempi dai film con Doctor

Then she went to the doctor, got lipo with your money.
Trainwreck - I Scored on LeBron James
Yes, Doctor, I'll run for a third term, but I won't be elected.
Arsenic and Old Lace - Insanity Runs in My Family
But look here, Doctor. Wouldn't this nucleus of survivors...
Dr. Strangelove - Living Underground
I don't need a doctor, damn it. I am a doctor.
Star Trek - Kirk Meets Bones
And every person who comes to the ranch is also a doctor.
Patch Adams - You Treat a Person
but is not a doctor someone who helps someone else ?
Patch Adams - You Treat a Person
When did the term ''doctor'' get treated with such reverence, as
Patch Adams - You Treat a Person
At what point in history did a doctor become more...
Patch Adams - You Treat a Person
Why don't we want that in a patient-doctor relationship ?
Patch Adams - You Treat a Person
A doctor's mission should be not just to prevent death...
Patch Adams - You Treat a Person
I slept at the doctor's place last night.
Trainwreck - You Butt-Dialed Me
No, no, no! My God, not on the rug, please. Eddie, get the doctor.
Six Degrees of Separation - I Was Mugged
I'm a doctor. I'm supposed to say things like that.
Closer - Anna's Photo Exhibition
Anyway, I went to this doctor.
Stripes - Psycho and Ox
You're not gonna fuck with my mind on this one, Doctor!
Shutter Island - My Name is Edward Daniels
The doctor keeps his mouth shut, and come Christmas,
John Q - Hypocritical Oath
the HMO sends the doctor a fat-ass bonus cheque.
John Q - Hypocritical Oath
- What? - I can't be a doctor because I am Colombian?
Hot Pursuit - I Am Her Lover Scene
Doogie Howser? Teenage doctor.
50/50 - Doogie Howser
I just meant you seem a little young to be a doctor.
50/50 - Doogie Howser
Technically I'm not.. I'm not a doctor yet.
50/50 - Doogie Howser
Which as a doctor would almost be impossible for me,
RoboCop - End This Nightmare
And what time does this office normally open, Doctor, 8:30?
Waitress - Strange Medicine
I'm not sure I want you to be my doctor anymore. You make me uncomfortable.
Waitress - Strange Medicine
- What kind of doctor are you? - You don't have to have coffee.
Waitress - Strange Medicine
Do you know what your sin is, Doctor?
Serenity - Fall on Your Sword

Pronuncia audio di Doctor

Pronuncia americana

Doctor pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Doctor pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Doctor pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Doctor pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Doctor pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Doctor pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Doctor pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Doctor pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Doctor pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Doctor pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Doctor pronunciato da Brian (uomo)