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Pronuncia di frank in Inglese

  • affrancare
  • franco
  • schietto
  • aperto

Esempi dai film con Frank

Frank! We've been chosen together!
Sausage Party Trailer
Listen, Frank, I'm serious about this.
Revolutionary Road - Paris!
No, Frank. This is what's unrealistic.
Revolutionary Road - Paris!
Go ahead, Frank. I'm sorry about that bullshit.
American Gangster - Diluting the Brand
With due respect, Frank, if I buy something, I own it.
American Gangster - Diluting the Brand
What you want, Frank? You want me to change the name on it?
American Gangster - Diluting the Brand
Fine by me, Frank. I'll... I'll call it Red Magic,
American Gangster - Diluting the Brand
I'm looking for the man who shot and killed my father, Frank Ross,
True Grit - A Man with True Grit
Frank's told me you came to America to grow vines.
Bloodsport - Young Frank Dux
Have you not wondered why I never befriended Frank Churchill?
Emma - More than a Friend
Yeah, but, Frank, feel how smooth they are.
Fletch Lives - Fletch Quits
5-0-4... Shut up, Frank. Yeah. I'll get right back to you.
Fletch Lives - Fletch Quits
Now on the sewer story. I quit, Frank.
Fletch Lives - Fletch Quits
I'm really gonna miss you, Frank.
Fletch Lives - Fletch Quits

Pronuncia audio di Frank

Pronuncia americana

Frank pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Frank pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Frank pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Frank pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Frank pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Frank pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Frank pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Frank pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Frank pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Frank pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Frank pronunciato da Brian (uomo)