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Pronuncia di her in Inglese

  • suoi
  • suo
  • sue
  • di lei
  • proprio

Esempi dai film con Her

Okay, but I'll walk you out. I'll take her home in a cab.
Scarface - Say Goodnight to the Bad Guy
Why did y'all sit and let her do this shit?
Next Friday - Day-Day's Problems
She had a little pudge on her stomach but I ain't pay no attention to it.
Next Friday - Day-Day's Problems
I got a restraining order on her and she don't care nothing about that.
Next Friday - Day-Day's Problems
Yeah, I broke up with her two months ago...
Next Friday - Day-Day's Problems
What's up with y'all'? I mean, where'd you meet her?
Next Friday - Day-Day's Problems
I was on my way to buy them and she had a Carl Jr. burger in her hand.
Next Friday - Day-Day's Problems
I got a restraining order on her fat ass too.
Next Friday - Day-Day's Problems
Her fat ass be snoring, and won't even be asleep, just standing.
Next Friday - Day-Day's Problems
Oh, my god.It's her dream come true,
Mean Girls - Regina Meets Bus
And I convinced her that it would be fun
Mean Girls - Regina Meets Bus
So I had her pretend to be friends with Regina,
Mean Girls - Regina Meets Bus
And we gave her these candy bar things
Mean Girls - Regina Meets Bus
And we turned her best friends against her.
Mean Girls - Regina Meets Bus
And then convinced him to break up with her.
Mean Girls - Regina Meets Bus
Some girls say they saw her head go all the way around.
Mean Girls - Regina Meets Bus
Some people swear they saw me push her in front of the bus.
Mean Girls - Regina Meets Bus
And she would be hunted with only her cunning to protect her.
Wayne's World - Baberaham Lincoln
Now, leave her out of this. This is just between you and me.
American Graffiti - Must Be Your Mama's Car
play mah-jong with her grandmother at a retirement home.
Wedding Crashers - Lock It Up
And she was very into her grandmother. They're very family-oriented.
Wedding Crashers - Lock It Up
You'd like her. She'd like you, too. Come on, give me those stamps.
Charade - Whatever Your Name Is
her vital organs removed and placed in five sacred canopic jars.
The Mummy - Imhotep Is Mummified Alive
You can have her. I go away. I'm gonna disappear, Tony.
Scarface - Every Dog Has His Day

Pronuncia audio di Her

Pronuncia americana

Her pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Her pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Her pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Her pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Her pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Her pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Her pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Her pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Her pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Her pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Her pronunciato da Brian (uomo)