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Pronuncia di kids in Inglese


Esempi dai film con Kids

We were kids. I mean, there was nothing that we could do to deserve-
The Butterfly Effect - Nothing's All Better
and, Brad, you can put your mom and the kids there as well.
Our Family Wedding - Seating Arrangement Hell
She's gonna have a whole Mexican family with little kids wearing sombreros,
My Man Is a Loser - The Fix
that their wives and kids can't stand the fuckin' sight of them.
Middle Men - A Part of Ourselves
saying that one of your spoiled fucking kids
Middle Men - A Part of Ourselves
Gwen in the street surrounded by kids on new bikes, pointing:
Arthur Christmas - Scared of Everything
But were we just as obnoxious as these kids back in the day?
American Reunion - This Must Be Awkward
You know, I have three beautiful, healthy, troublemaking kids.
Cinderella Man - Fighting for Milk
I said to the kids when I was leaving the house this morning
Cinderella Man - Fighting for Milk
She didn't have any kids. Never married and no kids.
Nancy Drew - You're Awesome
I mean, they say, "Trix are for kids" in the commercials.
Ted 2 - Trix Are for Kids
Today American kids don't eat 'cause they're hungry.
Pootie Tang - Pootie's Bad Time Burgers
And I've been going and talking to the kids there
Everest - Why Are You Climbing Everest?
and I know you got three kids, who you love to death.
Life as We Know It - The Baby Cab Killer
I hate other people's kids. That's your baby in there.
Life as We Know It - The Baby Cab Killer
Folded the flag and given it to a lot of wives, and fathers, and kids.
Dawn of the Dead - I'm In
so you can punish those kids further,
Hard Sell - Uncool
When it comes to the kids, John, we got to stay on the same page!
Spanglish - Good Guy, Bad Guy

Pronuncia audio di Kids

Pronuncia americana

Kids pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Kids pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Kids pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Kids pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Kids pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Kids pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Kids pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Kids pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Kids pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Kids pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Kids pronunciato da Brian (uomo)