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Pronuncia di one's in Inglese

uno è
  • di sé
  • proprio
  • il proprio
  • la propria
  • suo

Esempi dai film con One's

No one's gonna see that coming. I should learn to knit.
Hot Pursuit - All Jacked Up
You know, sometimes it just takes a while to cultivate one's own personal greatness.
Van Wilder 2: The Rise of Taj - Sexy Sadie
Because, at the end of the day, no one's the wiser, Tom.
Draft Day - I Want My Picks Back
Look, this one's got a hole in it and stuff.
Mission: Impossible 3 - The Anti-God
It is wonderful to have access to one's spouse.
A Little Chaos - His Highness Phillipe
- Don't make me call the police. - No one's calling nobody!
Hotel Transylvania 2 - Learning to Fly
What? No one's gonna find out you did a little coke...
Rough Night - Doing Drugs
There we go. That one's another one, probably illegal thing to say too.
Horrible Bosses - Julia You Needed To See Me
Okay. This one's called "Water Falls".
Paterson - Secret Notebook
Probably the cowboys, right? That one's safe.
G.B.F. - Get It Together Now
And no one's paying attention.
The Big Short - Jenga

Pronuncia audio di One's

Pronuncia americana

One's pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
One's pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
One's pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
One's pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
One's pronunciato da Salli (donna)
One's pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
One's pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
One's pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

One's pronunciato da Amy (donna)
One's pronunciato da Emma (donna)
One's pronunciato da Brian (uomo)

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