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Pronuncia di one in Inglese

  • unico
  • stesso
  • un certo
  • uno solo

Esempi dai film con One

You probably died because no one loved you.
Ghost Team - Sucky Ghosts
Well, one person loved you but then...
Ghost Team - Sucky Ghosts
Well, no one would care if I was gone.
Ghost Team - Sucky Ghosts
He's trying to send actual objects from one place to another?
Timeline - We Discovered a Worm Hole
And one more thing: These people and their rep here, Felix...
Collateral - One Question Away
There's only one rule. Are you ready? Here it is.
Rat Race - There Are No Rules
- How many sample wigs were you given? - One.
An Everlasting Piece - Interrogation
You just made Bunny's year with that one.
Southbound - Mystery Meat Dinner
We hire a pretty girl that no one would suspect,
Imperfections - That Sounds Dangerous
If you're gonna do another one, do it now,
Rough Night - Doing Drugs
Okay, guys, no one responded to my emails
Rough Night - Doing Drugs
- Is it the one that's circled in big red? - Yeah.
Rough Night - Doing Drugs
What? No one's gonna find out you did a little coke...
Rough Night - Doing Drugs

Pronuncia audio di One

Pronuncia americana

One pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
One pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
One pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
One pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
One pronunciato da Salli (donna)
One pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
One pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
One pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

One pronunciato da Amy (donna)
One pronunciato da Emma (donna)
One pronunciato da Brian (uomo)

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