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Pronuncia di other in Inglese

  • diverso
  • altrimenti
  • diversamente

Esempi dai film con Other

The other thing is, there's a limit to the number of sessions we can have.
The Sessions - The Wrong Way to Start Off
They know what's going on at the other end of this thing.
Dean - Selling the House
You know, switch 'em one place, one or the other,
Dog Eat Dog - El Greco
I saw her talking to an old boot the other day.
Brother Nature - All the Time
He's a priest of the Israelites, despised even by the other priests.
Hail, Caesar! - Got Most Of It
who may be interested in you for reasons other than your talent.
The English Teacher - About Jason
They have guards and... and shields and other metaphors.
The Space Between Us - Declarations
I know very little of her other than the color she has given me.
Belle - Is It What You Want?
Real quick, Bob, can I just see you in the...the other room?
Bad Roomies - The Perfect Roommate
Are there other definitions of party I'm not aware of?
Bad Roomies - The Perfect Roommate
And then he turned one of them into a rhinoceros and the other one into a warthog.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - Casey Meets the Turtles
And as a younger man, there were other acts of violence,
No Good Deed - Malignant Narcissist
Some other more well-known malignant narcissists were...
No Good Deed - Malignant Narcissist
"We know each other too well to throw our friendship away,
Life, Animated - Moving Forward
that Caddies have more trunk space than any other car in the world?
American Made - A Cadillac for Your Troubles Scene
I can really appreciate the fact that things got completely nuts the other night.
The Dilemma - Come Inside
Oh, and the other day I was reading online and she's been seen with Colin Farrell.
In the Land of Women - Awkward Encounter
...and I'm gonna know the other guy in the frigging bathroom.
In the Land of Women - Awkward Encounter
- Don't be a bully. You're being a bully. - There are other things I'd like to do
Phantom Thread - Back to Where You Came From

Pronuncia audio di Other

Pronuncia americana

Other pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Other pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Other pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Other pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Other pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Other pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Other pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Other pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Other pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Other pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Other pronunciato da Brian (uomo)

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