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Do not eat us.
We are not food.
The people of Earth are not your enemies.
- Yeah? Yeah. Anything. - Watch this.
We were sent by the Supreme Leader to eat delicious humans
- Hey! - ...and dip them in ranch dressing.
I'm just kidding.
I'm a vegan. Except for meat and cheese and eggs.
- Casey, they're my friends. - Oh. Oh, they...They, they're friends.
- Yeah, they're my friends. Tell him. - Yeah.
Donatello over there in the purple,
he's a technical genius, who is technically a genius!
Raphael over there in the red, he's like a big cuddly teddy bear,
if big cuddly teddy bears were incredibly violent.
This is Leonardo. He's in the blue. Fearless leader. Silent but deadly.
And I'm Michelangelo, sporting my signature orange.
I'm a triple threat... Brains, brawn, and obviously a dazzling personality.
Ladies like to call me Mikey.
- Are you done? - Yeah.
Sorry, we're late, April.
You want to walk me through what's going on here?
Okay. So, I went to go see Baxter, but then Shredder was there.
And then he was talking about opening up some sort of portal
like to another dimension, and then he... He took this purple ooze
and he injected it into those two criminals that escaped with him.
And then he turned one of them into a rhinoceros and the other one into a warthog.
You have eyes on Bebop and Rocksteady?
Why do you care about those two?
Let's just say that I have a vested interest in bringing them to justice.
Let's get back to the lair.
Raph, grab Friday the thirteenth here and follow.
If he can help us find Bebop and Rocksteady, he's coming with.
No, he's not. Not a chance. I'm staying right here.
I'd agree with you, but you're wrong.
See, we, too, share a vested interest.
I don't share anything with you guys.
Fellas, fellas...
Now, the people of New York need us to set aside our differences and work together.
Which begs only one question.
Are you two guys like a thing or...
Come on, move it!
which - quale
vested - acquisito
vegan - vegano
warthog - facocero
turned - trasformato
triple - triplicare
together - insieme
through - attraverso
thirteenth - tredicesimo
thing - cosa
watch - orologio
technically - tecnicamente
technical - tecnico
supreme - supremo
staying - stare
sporting - sportivo
sorry - scusa
silent - silenzioso
signature - firma
those - quelli
shredder - distruttore di documenti
share - condividere
right - destra
purple - viola
portal - portale
delicious - delizioso
raphael - raphael
dazzling - abbagliante
cuddly - coccolone
kidding - prendendo in giro
criminals - criminali
coming - venuta
obviously - ovviamente
deadly - mortale
dimension - dimensione
fellas - ragazzi
friday - venerdì
threat - minaccia
brawn - forza muscolare
chance - opportunità
agree - essere d'accordo
talking - parlando
other - altro
donatello -
about - di
people - persone
follow - segui
teddy - orsacchiotto
anything - qualsiasi cosa
violent - violento
april - aprile
baxter - baxter
bringing - portando
earth - terra
dressing - condimento
enemies - nemici
except - tranne
casey - casey
going - andando
there - là
question - domanda
bears - orsi
bebop - bebop
another - un altro
differences - differenze
rhinoceros - rinoceronte
brains - mente
fearless - impavido
escaped - sfuggito
incredibly - incredibilmente
wrong - sbagliato
ranch - ranch
cheese - formaggio
friends - amici
opening - apertura
genius - genio
rocksteady - rocksteady
orange - arancia
humans - gli esseri umani
injected - iniettato
personality - personalità
interest - interesse
justice - giustizia
ladies - le signore
aside - a parte
leader - capo
leonardo - leonardo
mikey - mikey
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