Impara il vero inglese da film e libri.

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Pronuncia di the in Inglese


Esempi dai film con The

Women gather, offering ecstatic libations to the sky gods.
Argo - A Fake Movie
It's a space movie in the Middle East.
Argo - A Fake Movie
- Does it matter? - Can we get the option?
Argo - A Fake Movie
Why do we need the option?
Argo - A Fake Movie
You're worried about the Ayatollah? Try the WGA.
Argo - A Fake Movie
Just let me do the talking.
Argo - A Fake Movie
I enjoyed your films. The early ones.
Argo - A Fake Movie
Get your cataracts fixed, read the trades.
Argo - A Fake Movie
But Warren confided in me that the picture's gone over budget...
Argo - A Fake Movie
...because the Zulu extras wanna unionize.
Argo - A Fake Movie the movie's kaput.
Argo - A Fake Movie
Which means that the MGM deal ain't gonna happen...
Argo - A Fake Movie
...and your script ain't worth the buffalo shit on a nickel.
Argo - A Fake Movie
So the way it looks to me...
Argo - A Fake Movie
Through the cataracts, I grant you.
Argo - A Fake Movie
You want to fold up the National Football League?
Concussion - Tell the Truth
Do you have any idea of the impact of what you're doing?
Concussion - Tell the Truth
- Yes, I do. - Do you understand the impact
Concussion - Tell the Truth
If just 10% of the mothers in America
Concussion - Tell the Truth
that is it. It is the end of football.
Concussion - Tell the Truth
Joe, he does autopsies. He's not in the outcome business.
Concussion - Tell the Truth
If you continue to deny my work, the world will deny my work.
Concussion - Tell the Truth
He means a venti. Yeah, the biggest one you've got.
Role Models - A Venti Coffee
Venti is the only one that doesn't mean large.
Role Models - A Venti Coffee
It's also the only one that's Italian.
Role Models - A Venti Coffee

Pronuncia audio di The

Pronuncia americana

The pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
The pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
The pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
The pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
The pronunciato da Salli (donna)
The pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
The pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
The pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

The pronunciato da Amy (donna)
The pronunciato da Emma (donna)
The pronunciato da Brian (uomo)