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Pronuncia di truth in Inglese

  • fatto
  • esattezza

Esempi dai film con Truth

People are polite, Dad. You know, they don't always tell you the truth.
Everybody's Fine - I'm Not a Conductor
But the truth is there's more than enough.
In Time - Cost of Living
The truth is, Jake, for a number of years there, we, we was fighting injured.
Cinderella Man - Fighting for Milk
Just because your truth isn't a true truth doesn't mean there is no truth, Ruth.
Paul - Farting Buttholes
Guys, she's going to run when I tell her the truth.
Think Like a Man - Honesty is Overrated
- Back to Granddad. - It is vital that you tell the truth.
What We Did on Our Holiday - Granddad Died
- We do tell the truth. - Guys, could you keep it down.
What We Did on Our Holiday - Granddad Died
I just want to find out the truth.
Red Riding Hood - Demon Musk
In truth, she works for us.
The Mummy - Dr. Jekyll
Probably because you don't like hearing the truth.
Snowden - Make You See
A truth beyond the truth that we can see.
Hail, Caesar! - Got Most Of It
A truth told not in words, but in light.
Hail, Caesar! - Got Most Of It
A truth that we could see if we had but...
Hail, Caesar! - Got Most Of It
The truth is, he is my dog, but just since yesterday.
Once Upon a Crime - Phoebe Under Arrest
- Oh, the truth comes out! - My God! You want me to act like this!
Christine - Mental Breakdown

Pronuncia audio di Truth

Pronuncia americana

Truth pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Truth pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Truth pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Truth pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Truth pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Truth pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Truth pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Truth pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Truth pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Truth pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Truth pronunciato da Brian (uomo)