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Pronuncia di which in Inglese

  • quali

Esempi dai film con Which

You're real feminine, you know, which is good for me
The 40 Year Old Virgin - Date-a-palooza
I shot a defenseless person... which you know.
Heaven - I Love You
and then we'll decide which one of those prizes you get.
Matchstick Men - Guaranteed Prizes
Congratulations. Which prize are you hoping for?
Matchstick Men - Guaranteed Prizes
shields us from the solar winds, which are a lethal blend of...
The Core - The Earth Will Be Cooked
which I think you're gonna be down with.
Agent Cody Banks - Spy Gadgets
And you got me out of that, which is...
The Prince & Me - Goodbye
All right, which way are we facing? Come on.
Billy Elliot - Not for Lads
which I was not the one who instigated it at all.
You Can Count on Me - Serving Some Time
if you don't know which door to open, always account for variable change.
21 - Ben Campbell amazing answer
Which is better than that goat you've been driving around campus.
21 - Ben Campbell amazing answer
which is unbelievably like hard to get into.
American Teen - Meet Megan
- Which part is that? - I feel like it's the part that...
Middle Men - A Part of Ourselves
Which one has the chapter about dropping the telly on your head?
The Beaver - I'm the Beaver
Which is why I sought help from old beaus.
Man Up - F*** the Past
Which is surreal and, um, was extremely disturbing.
Best in Show - American Bitch
which is probably why now I prefer "pee-pee" and "who-who."
All Over the Guy - Attraction
The finest eloquence is that which gets things done.
Suffragette - Maud's Testimony
which is an excellent, excellent cookbook, but it's not French.
Julie & Julia - I Love to Eat
Which is fine, as long as I get to spend the rest of my life
Bride Wars - Will You Just Marry Me Already?

Pronuncia audio di Which

Pronuncia americana

Which pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Which pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Which pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Which pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Which pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Which pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Which pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Which pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Which pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Which pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Which pronunciato da Brian (uomo)