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Pronuncia di would in Inglese


Esempi dai film con Would

the world would become innocent again,
Nut Up or Shut Up - Zombieland
and everything would return to normal.
Nut Up or Shut Up - Zombieland
I would never have told you, because I know you'd never forgive me.
Closer - Who Are You?
I would have loved you... forever.
Closer - Who Are You?
What would you say, Eddie, 20 minutes before it blows?
Chain Reaction - It's Over
I thought that I would come here and tell you somethin'.
Reality Bites - Troy Comes Back
Whoever wrote it probably didn't think anyone would ever see it?
Mean Girls - Girls Gone Wild!
- Would you call him a capable man? - Very.
Chinatown - A Respectable Man
What schmuck would fly a plane into the Trade Center?
World Trade Center - First Attack
- Would you like to have a cup of coffee? - No, thank you.
Vertigo - Wandering Together
All right. Would you tell him to just relax,
Airplane! - I Speak Jive
My wife and I would like to ask a couple of questions.
Beetlejuice - We're Simpatico
would be unwise at this juncture in your career, sir.
The Breakfast Club - Eat My Shorts
Ned, I would love to stand here and talk with you.
Groundhog Day - Ned Ryerson!
Would you like to come have some coffee and pie with me?
Taxi Driver - Travis Visits Betsy
I would have to insist that you change the name.
American Gangster - Diluting the Brand
- That's right, I do, don't I? - So why would you want to go there?
The Truman Show - Being Spontaneous
If they had known you were under there, they would've killed you.
Stand by Me - The Body
- No one knows you. - Would you shut the fuck up!
The Departed - I Erased You
What will happen is this bullet would go right through your fucking head!
The Departed - I Erased You
whether or not you would be good for on camera.
Knocked Up - Tighten Up
and they would like to put you on camera.
Knocked Up - Tighten Up
We would just like it if you go home and step on a scale
Knocked Up - Tighten Up
A guy like you would never get a real woman You jackass, go jack off
8 Mile - The Lunch Truck

Pronuncia audio di Would

Pronuncia americana

Would pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Would pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Would pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Would pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Would pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Would pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Would pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Would pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Would pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Would pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Would pronunciato da Brian (uomo)