My beloved daughter

Innocent have I come into prison

Innocent have I been tortured

Innocent must I die

They said: “You are a witch!

Will you confess it voluntarily?

If not, we will bring in witnesses

and executioner for you!”

You are a witch...

The executioner put the thumb-screws on me,

both hands bound together,

so the blood ran out at the nails

and everywhere,

so that for 4 weeks I could not use my hands,

as you can see from the writing.

writing - pisanie
woman - kobieta
witch - czarownica
willow - wierzba
wicked - niegodziwy
voluntarily - dobrowolnie
turned - obrócony
torture - torturować
until - aż do
together - razem
water - woda
thereafter - odtąd
stripped - obnażony
something - coś
behind - za
deadly - śmiertelnie
daughter - córka
could - mógłby
goodnight - dobranoc
weeks - tygodni
before - przed
aside - na bok
invent - wymyślać
earth - ziemia
witnesses - świadkowie
white - biały
obeying - posłuszny
endure - znieść
seduced - uwiedziony
celery - seler
executioner - cellat
hands - ręce
everywhere - wszędzie
hemlock - cykuta
demons - demony
prison - więzienie
beloved - ukochany
cannot - nie może
confess - wyznać
nails - paznokcie
tortured - torturowany
bound - granica
screws - śruby
almond - migdałowy
follow - śledzić
during - podczas
diana - diana
blood - krew
another - inne
foxglove - naparstnica
mistress - kochanka
never - nigdy
great - wspaniały
green - zielony
poppy - mak
greenish - zielonkawy
commands - polecenia
innocent - niewinny
lilies - lilie
shaved - ogolone
mother - mama
bring - przynieść
nights - noce
thumb - kciuk
nightshade - nocny cień
spaces - przestrzenie
satan - szatan

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