It was one hundred degrees, as we sat beneath a willow tree,

Who's tears didn't care, they just hung in the air, and refused to fall, to fall.

And I knew I'd made horrible call,

And now the state line felt like the Berlin wall,

And there was no doubt about which side I was on.

Cause I built you a home in my heart,

With rotten wood, it decayed from the start.

Cause you can't find nothing at all,

If there was nothing there all along.

No you can't find nothing at all,

If there was nothing there all along.

I braved treacherous streets,

willow - wierzba
which - który
versus - przeciw
leave - pozostawiać
doubt - wątpić
refused - odmówił
hundred - sto
horrible - okropny
homemade - domowej roboty
before - przed
heart - serce
rotten - zgniły
state - stan
degrees - stopni
decayed - zepsute
crooked - krzywy
streets - ulice
devouring - pożerający
closing - zamknięcie
speaks - mówi
about - o
braved - odważny
berlin - Berlin
always - zawsze
built - wybudowany
teeth - zęby
night - noc
retreat - wycofać się
beneath - pod
along - wzdłuż
churches - kościoły
tears - łzy
mouth - usta
treacherous - zdradziecki
malls - centra handlowe
nothing - nic
parks - parków
shared - wspólne
could - mógłby
skyline - sylwetka na tle nieba
sleep - sen
slurring - mrucząc
cause - przyczyna
speech - przemówienie
speed - prędkość
theme - motyw
start - początek
strung - naciągnięty
there - tam

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