The Gods watch over you
And they consider what you've done
But now you've hidden away
To gain your strength
Deep in a cave
Your power is regained
And your legacy has spread
To the deepest of the sea
The one that brought them vengeance
That fights for his belief
He can swim through matter
He has poisoned teeth
His tentacles have murdered
His scream can kill the weak
He's got
Explosives - CHECK
Corrosives - CHECK
A master at the art of murder
Mermaids weep the blackened tears
So you swim to a sunken ship
Invited by a soul who bleeds from the lips
This prophet who beckons you wades in the dark
Speaks an ancient language this language is of sharks
He says you're the one that I decree
The one that can save us and set us free
You've gained the power of a deity
You have the strength to wake us from this sleep
And so you swim on
Swim on
worse - gorzej
warning - ostrzeżenie
vengeance - zemsta
transformed - przekształcone
water - woda
teeth - zęby
tears - łzy
swimming - pływanie
sunken - zatopiony
strife - walka
tracked - śledzone
stretch - rozciągać
strength - Wytrzymałość
spread - rozpiętość
speaks - mówi
within - w ciągu
spared - oszczędził
sharks - rekiny
sacred - poświęcony
regained - odzyskał
times - czasy
power - moc
poisoned - zatrute
scream - krzyk
ocean - ocean
nearer - bliższy
tentacles - Macki
decree - dekret
bleeds - krwawienia
wades - Wades
consider - rozważać
explosives - materiały wybuchowe
prophet - prorok
collect - zebrać
sleep - sen
prepared - przygotowany
crown - korona
beasts - bestie
coral - koral
called - nazywa
ancient - starożytny
chosen - wybrany
brought - przywiezione
never - nigdy
beckons - kiwa
invited - zaproszony
challenge - wyzwanie
permit - pozwolić
because - bo
always - zawsze
throne - tron
fights - walczyć
gives - daje
murder - morderstwo
bloodied - zakrwawiony
deity - bóstwo
black - czarny
matter - materia
minions - sługusów
should - powinien
deepest - najgłębsze
those - te
belief - wiara
known - znany
deities - bóstwa
enemy - wróg
forgiveness - przebaczenie
curse - przekleństwo
leagues - ligi
gained - zyskał
mighty - potężny
master - mistrz
grown - dorosły
watch - zegarek
conquered - podbili
harness - uprząż
submit - zatwierdź
blackened - poczerniałe
hidden - ukryty
language - język
legacy - dziedzictwo
mermaids - syreny
through - przez
check - czek
murdered - zamordowany
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