Looking out my window at some girl as I'm writing this

And I watch her eat a peach, the way she's biting it, biting it

And I probably shouldn't stare, but I am fighting it, fighting it

And I think that she's aware and kind of liking it, liking it

Hot girls, they can break me, break me

Hot girls, you know what you're doing

Now, hot girls, come and break me, break me

Hot girls, take me where you are going

On her motorbike, the way she's riding it, riding it

And she says it feels so good but she is hiding it, hiding it

Wet lips to cigarette and now she's striking it, lighting it

As she looks me in the eye, hell, she must know she's inviting it

where - gdzie
stare - gapić się
riding - jazda konna
remembering - pamiętając
prove - okazać się
probably - prawdopodobnie
peach - brzoskwinia
girls - dziewczyny
fighting - walczący
someone - ktoś
feels - czuje
cigarette - papieros
aware - świadomy
watch - zegarek
think - myśleć
motorbike - motocykl
paper - papier
diving - nurkowanie
older - starsze
biting - szczypiący
writing - pisanie
abuse - nadużycie
going - chodzenie
looks - wygląda
doing - robić
hiding - ukrywanie
window - okno
inviting - atrakcyjny
liking - gust
striking - uderzający
laughing - śmiać się
lighting - oświetlenie
looking - patrząc
break - Przerwa
nothing - nic

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