Kill Jay Z, they'll never love you
You'll never be enough, let's just keep it real, Jay Z
Fuck Jay Z, I mean, you shot your own brother
How can we know if we can trust Jay Z?
And you know better, nigga, I know you do
But you gotta do better, boy, you owe it to Blue
You had no father, you had the armor
But you got a daughter, gotta get softer
Die Jay Z, this ain't back in the days
You don't need an alibi, Jay Z
Cry Jay Z, we know the pain is real
But you can't heal what you never reveal
What's up, Jay Z? You know you owe the truth
To all the youth that fell in love with Jay Z
You got people you love you sold drugs to
You got high on the life, that shit drugged you
You walkin' around like you invincible
wrong - źle
works - prace
truth - Prawda
thirteen - trzynaście
stage - etap
softer - bardziej miękki
school - szkoła
saint - święty
future - przyszłość
drugs - leki
dropped - porzucone
daughter - córka
outta - z
crazy - zwariowany
drugged - odurzony
boston - boston
attitude - Postawa
stabbed - dźgnięty
spade - łopata
chest - klatka piersiowa
world - świat
bottles - butelki
around - na około
egged - egged
breakfast - śniadanie
never - nigdy
alibi - alibi
along - wzdłuż
armor - zbroja
baddest - baddest
verse - werset
brother - brat
almost - prawie
enough - dość
hurts - boli
invincible - niezwyciężony
records - dokumentacja
because - bo
excuse - pretekst
natural - naturalny
shoulder - ramię
better - lepszy
niggas - czarnuchy
father - ojciec
finish - koniec
football - piłka nożna
without - bez
imagine - wyobrażać sobie
gotta - musieć
reveal - odsłonić
other - inny
insane - szalony
woulda - maya
everybody - wszyscy
knife - nóż
million - milion
youth - młodość
right - dobrze
backstab - dźgnięcie w plecy
minutes - minuty
trust - zaufanie
nigga - nigga
people - ludzie
principles - zasad
reckless - lekkomyślny
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