The high priest of money looks down on the river

The dawn coming up on his kingdom of gold

When the rim of the sun sends an arrow of silver

He prays to the gods of the bought and the sold

He turns to his symbols, his ribbons of numbers

They circle and spin on their mystical scroll

He looks for a sign while the city still slumbers

And the ribbons and the river forever unroll

In his kingdom of gold, his kingdom of gold

Kingdom of gold, his kingdom of gold

levelled - wyrównany
burned - spalony
kingdom - królestwo
turbulent - burzliwy
horizon - horyzont
haven - przystań
numbers - liczby
raiders - najeźdźcy
leaders - przywódcy
traces - ślady
prays - modli się
money - pieniądze
mystical - mistyczne
falter - wahać się
enemy - wróg
devils - diabły
bought - kupiony
castle - Zamek
jackals - szakale
forever - na zawsze
citadel - cytadela
arrow - strzałka
sends - wysyła
still - nadal
armour - zbroja
camps - obozy
fortress - twierdza
circle - okrąg
looks - wygląda
smoke - palić
taken - wzięty
coming - przyjście
conquer - podbić
priest - kapłan
rabble - motłoch
ravens - kruki
walls - Ściany
river - rzeka
while - podczas gdy
their - ich
scroll - zwój
silver - srebro
slumbers - slumbers
symbols - symbolika
ribbons - wstążki
these - te
turns - z kolei
unroll - odwijać

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