Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dong,

Falling down to London town,

Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dong,

Past the roof tops and the crown,

The rules are easy if you like to break them and offend,

A role reversal, that's the password, so come make a friend,

Its topsy-turvy to give mercy to the guilty men,

We love you faking 'cos you made the effort to pretend,

Like a gladiator craves the blood of his spectators,

I'm in the middle of a man, I'll have to call you later,

And just before I pull out, I swear to use the indicators,

So you can see my show, you can, you can, see my show,

Show, show, show, show, show, show, show,

Here I go, go, go, here I go, go, go,

Gonna tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap,

On the mic now, say my name now,

woman - kobieta
wiped - wytrzeć
those - te
swear - przysięgać
sugar - cukier
stumble - potknąć się
friend - przyjaciel
shooting - strzelanie
falling - spadanie
enough - dość
effort - wysiłek
faking - Fałszowanie
never - nigdy
around - na około
spice - przyprawa
gladiator - gladiator
mischievous - złośliwy
wrong - źle
burning - palenie
balls - kulki
bullets - pociski
bitter - gorzki
before - przed
bitches - suki
super - wspaniały
dusted - odkurzacz
angels - anioły
indicators - wskaźników
london - Londyn
screaming - krzycząc
chest - klatka piersiowa
bridges - mosty
believe - uwierzyć
place - miejsce
blood - krew
break - Przerwa
spectators - widzowie
guilty - winny
topsy - topsy
middle - środkowy
later - później
mercy - łaska
pretend - udać
steel - Stal
offend - obrazić
craves - pragnie
password - hasło
trapped - uwięziony
reversal - odwrócenie
turvy - turvy
innocent - niewinny
right - dobrze
rules - zasady
spark - iskra
crown - korona
gonna - gonna
stuck - utknął

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