Early one mornin' with time to kill
I borrowed Jeb's rifle and sat on the hill
I saw a lone rider, crossin' the plain
I drew a bead on him to practice my aim
My brother's rifle went off in my hand
The shot rang out, across the land
The horse he kept runnin', the rider was dead
I hung my head, I hung my head
I set off runnin' to wake from the dream
But my brother's rifle went into the stream
I kept on runnin' into the salt lands
And that's where they found me, my head in my hands
The Sheriff he asked me, why had I run?
Then it came to me just what I had done
widowed - wdowiec
whole - cały
where - gdzie
together - razem
through - przez
there - tam
their - ich
stream - Strumień
rider - jeździec
power - moc
orphaned - osierocony
verdict - werdykt
sheriff - szeryf
practice - ćwiczyć
death - śmierć
found - uznany
children - dzieci
lands - ziemie
across - przez
plain - równina
distance - dystans
borrowed - pożyczone
chair - krzesło
courthouse - sąd
fetch - sprowadzać
kingdom - królestwo
brain - mózg
reason - powód
courtroom - sala sądowa
dream - śnić
rifle - Karabin
mercy - łaska
early - wcześnie
hands - ręce
piece - kawałek
explain - wyjaśniać
asked - spytał
forgiveness - przebaczenie
gallows - szubienica
trick - sztuczka
horse - koń
judge - sędzia
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