18 years old I ran the farm
These men came in with arms
They burned the house they took our lands
They broke us living plants
My father said if you wanna live
Then fight them like a man
So I punched their nose and I kicked their ass
But then my hands were cuffed
Take away 4x my son
these - te
punched - uderzył
patrick - patrick
meanwhile - w międzyczasie
living - życie
little - mało
least - najmniej
lands - ziemie
kicked - kopnął
irish - irlandczyk
cuffed - cuff
spirit - duch
country - kraj
hungry - głodny
chorus - chór
change - Zmiana
there - tam
drinking - picie
clans - klany
enemy - wróg
lives - zyje
behind - za
plants - rośliny
broke - zepsuł się
wanna - chcę
fight - walka
burned - spalony
years - lat
earth - ziemia
father - ojciec
enough - dość
their - ich
saints - święci
fields - pola
house - dom
fighting - walczący
fought - walczył
hands - ręce
having - mający
brothers - braci
heartbreak - złamanie serca
horse - koń
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