Ballroom scene, but the fire underneath,

Gonna eat you all alive,

Gonna bring you to your knees.

Went out drinking late last night,

I had a blast,

But now the morning light has come and kicked my ass!

I've got the worst hangover ever!

I'm crawling to the bathroom again

It hurts so bad that I'm never gonna drink again

And by my seventh shot I was invincible

I would've never thought I'd be this miserable

worked - pracował
weekend - weekend
underneath - pod spodem
thought - myśl
someone - ktoś
scene - scena
night - noc
never - nigdy
morning - ranek
crawling - pełzanie
seventh - siódmy
deals - oferty
worst - najgorszy
bring - przynieść
again - jeszcze raz
drink - drink
please - proszę
hurts - boli
anything - byle co
drinking - picie
probably - prawdopodobnie
knees - kolana
blast - podmuch
light - lekki
alive - żywy
bathroom - łazienka
forth - naprzód
miserable - nieszczęśliwy
gonna - gonna
hangover - kac
kicked - kopnął
ballroom - sala balowa
invincible - niezwyciężony
least - najmniej
misery - nieszczęście

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