Groove it up, it's Friday night, time to have some fun, allright.
To know what's up I gotta reach n' pick up the phone.
Yeah, the answer's always Mick, my favourite band is having a gig.
What could be better idea, than to go to the club.
words - Słowa
those - te
groove - rowek
friday - piątek
listen - słuchać
wanna - chcę
favourite - ulubiony
bluff - urwisko
could - mógłby
think - myśleć
works - prace
about - o
always - zawsze
night - noc
gotta - musieć
allright - w porządku
understand - zrozumieć
better - lepszy
moment - za chwilę
having - mający
jerks - targanie
inside - wewnątrz
phone - telefon
smile - uśmiech
steeling - stalowanie
reach - dosięgnąć
there - tam
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