Is it so wrong if i don't pay my rent?
No! Responsibility, I gave it up for lent
Sell your wares, pollute the air
I don't care
Fresh air's for squares
Now if it were up to me
The piper would be up the creek
and the fiddler too
'Cuase neither one of you would be paid
I need the cash for getting laid ;P
And i don't mind
To seem unusually unkind
You ask what kind of guy am I
I'm a friend of the irresponsible fools
Who don't have time for rules
The irresponsible who wouldn't
wrong - źle
would - by
fresh - świeży
friend - przyjaciel
fools - głupcy
chores - posługi
bored - znudzony
forsaken - opuszczony
feeling - uczucie
dolphin - delfin
without - bez
think - myśleć
distracted - roztargniony
irresponsible - nieodpowiedzialny
aware - świadomy
leave - pozostawiać
school - szkoła
fiddler - skrzypek
whole - cały
skirt - spódnica
burns - oparzenia
piper - dudziarz
before - przed
responsibility - Odpowiedzialność
rules - zasady
aerosol - aerosol
gotten - gotten
about - o
bloody - Krwawy
happens - dzieje się
getting - coraz
caught - złapany
rogue - łobuz
miracle - cud
neither - ani
requires - wymaga
never - nigdy
pathetic - żałosne
tastes - smaki
politically - politycznie
creek - zatoczka
pollute - zanieczyszczać
unkind - niedobry
unusually - niezwykle
should - powinien
squares - kwadraty
those - te
walked - chodził
quite - całkiem
wares - wyroby
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