oh the moon was full and the color of blood

the night the pirates came to the vampire club

their leader was tall and snide and slim

he looked like a gay captain morgan

well, he recognized a vampire from his school

and he did something that was most uncool

he said 'hey everybody, see the fool in the cape?

his name is bernie weinstein and he's in the 8th grade!'

fangs were flying, capes were torn

hell hath no fury like a vampire scorned

the number one rule in this game:

never call one by his real name

upside - do góry nogami
undead - nieumarły
uncool - uncool
still - nadal
something - coś
while - podczas gdy
their - ich
snaggletooth - Snaggletooth
there - tam
school - szkoła
really - naprawdę
pulled - pociągnął
avoid - uniknąć
contacts - łączność
color - kolor
capes - peleryny
boots - buty
vampire - wampir
called - nazywa
broke - zepsuł się
cause - przyczyna
gaggle - gęganie
blood - krew
another - inne
recognized - uznane
laughed - zaśmiał się
angst - niepokój
night - noc
snide - obłudny
anything - byle co
always - zawsze
morgan - morgan
scorned - pogardę
bernie - Bernie
crushed - zgnieciony
pointy - Pointy
around - na około
black - czarny
missi - missi
heads - głowy
singing - śpiewanie
drain - drenaż
after - po
danced - tańczył
believe - uwierzyć
fangs - kły
dressed - ubrany
everybody - wszyscy
fight - walka
flushed - przepłukany
goths - goths
grade - stopień
ladies - damski
rivet - nit
never - nigdy
flying - latający
leader - lider
peaceful - spokojna
captain - kapitan
looked - spojrzał
orders - święcenia
number - numer
pirates - piraci
puddle - kałuża

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