The Southern wind signs again an island lullaby

Baby powder beach under my feet has got me rolling

And the breeze through crackling leaves like a daytime campfire burning

And the ship is off to sea

And the wake is a churning

As the Southern wind sings again an island lullaby

You can jump right in

Let the music pull you in

You can jump right in

Oh and lose yourself again

As the Southern wind sings again a island lullaby

There's a place the locals go and no one knows where to find it

And the river starts to flow inside the clouds of Misty Mountain

The water from this stone below becomes a blue-green fountain

As the Southern wind sings again an island lullaby

where - gdzie
while - podczas gdy
water - woda
through - przez
stone - kamień
starts - zaczyna się
signs - znaki
powder - proszek
place - miejsce
ocean - ocean
notion - Pojęcie
under - pod
misty - mglisty
meets - spotyka się
lullaby - kołysanka
rolling - walcowanie
again - jeszcze raz
campfire - ognisko
burning - palenie
yourself - siebie
river - rzeka
breeze - bryza
crackling - skwarek
clouds - chmury
simple - prosty
right - dobrze
knows - wie
southern - południowy
becomes - staje się
heart - serce
beach - Plaża
below - poniżej
daytime - dzień
leaves - odchodzi
light - lekki
music - muzyka
disappear - znikać
green - zielony
mountain - Góra
inside - wewnątrz
sings - śpiewa
fountain - fontanna
island - wyspa
churning - churning
glowing - rozjarzony
locals - miejscowi

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