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I didn't know you played tennis.
Oh, yeah, I played a little in high school.
So glad we were able to do this.
I'm really glad we could do this, too.
It's nice we get to hang out.
- I know, right?
- Yeah.
It's too bad Lillian
couldn't play with us today.
Poor thing, she is so busy.
I guess, she's not really that into sports.
Even when we were little, she didn't
like anything that was too competitive.
Oh, she certainly enjoys playing tennis now.
It's funny how people change, isn't it?
Yeah. I mean, I don't know.
Do people really change?
I think they do.
Yeah, but, I mean, they still stay
who they are, pretty much.
I think we change all the time.
I think we stay the same, but
grow, I guess, a little bit.
I think if you are growing,
then you are changing.
But, I mean, we are changing from who
we are, which we always stay as.
Not really, I don't think so.
Oh, Annie! These are my kids.
Step-kids. Step.
- They are so hilarious.
- Funny.
Excuse me, my husband's kids.
What are you guys up to?
Going to the snack bar.
Awesome. You need a ride home later?
Fuck off, Helen.
Okay. Put a quarter in the swear-jar.
Good to see you.
They are so cute.
Sweet kids.
Carol! Get your shit
together, Carol!
I've seen better tennis playing
in a tampon commercial.
which - który
together - razem
today - dzisiaj
thing - rzecz
these - te
swear - przysięgać
sports - sport
really - naprawdę
played - grał
commercial - reklama w telewizji
carol - kolęda
certainly - na pewno
right - dobrze
funny - zabawny
changing - wymiana pieniędzy
better - lepszy
quarter - jedna czwarta
always - zawsze
people - ludzie
little - mało
could - mógłby
tennis - tenis
tampon - tampon
annie - annie
school - szkoła
competitive - konkurencyjny
think - myśleć
excuse - pretekst
helen - helen
later - później
pretty - ładny
awesome - niesamowite
sweet - słodkie
snack - przekąska
enjoys - cieszy się
going - chodzenie
change - Zmiana
growing - rozwój
guess - odgadnąć
playing - gra
anything - byle co
lillian - lillian
still - nadal
hilarious - wesoły
Kliknij słowo lub podświetl zwrot, by zobaczyć jego tłumaczenie.
Kliknij przycisk plusa, by dodać słowo/zwrot do nauki.
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