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Rozpocznij naukę
I don't recall what I got
for my first christmas
And I don't know when I went on
my first outdoor picnic,
But I do remember
The first time I heard
sweetest voice
In the wide world.
You can sit here
if you want.
I had never seen anything
so beautiful in my life.
She was like an angel.
Well, are you going to
sit down or aren't you?
What's wrong
with your legs?
Um, nothing at all,
thank you.
My legs are just
fine and dandy.
I just sat next to her
on that bus
And had a conversation
all the way to school.
My back's crooked
like a question mark.
Next to mama, no one
ever talked to me or asked me questions.
Are you stupid
or something?
Mama says, "stupid is
as stupid does."
I'm jenny. I'm forrest—
forrest gump.
From that day on,
we was always together.
Jenny and me was
like peas and carrots.
She taught me
how to climb.
Come on, Forrest,
you can do it.
I showed her
how to dangle.
"a good little..."
She helped me
learn how to read,
And I showed her
how to swing.
we'd just sit out
And wait for the stars.
Mama's going
to worry about me.
Just stay
a little longer.
For some reason,
jenny didn't never
want to go home.
O.K., jenny, I'll stay.
She was my most
special friend.
wrong - źle
world - świat
little - mało
reason - powód
jenny - przędzarka
helped - pomógł
forrest - Forrest
something - coś
heard - słyszał
friend - przyjaciel
stars - gwiazdy
never - nigdy
crooked - krzywy
outdoor - na wolnym powietrzu
always - zawsze
longer - dłużej
remember - zapamiętaj
about - o
beautiful - piękny
together - razem
asked - spytał
going - chodzenie
climb - wspinać się
first - pierwszy
christmas - [object Object]
learn - uczyć się
sometimes - czasami
talked - rozmawiał
worry - martwić się
carrots - marchew
dandy - elegant
anything - byle co
picnic - piknik
thank - podziękować
nothing - nic
dangle - dyndać
questions - pytania
recall - odwołanie
question - pytanie
school - szkoła
showed - pokazał
special - specjalny
voice - głos
angel - anioł
stupid - głupi
sweetest - najsłodszy
swing - huśtawka
conversation - rozmowa
taught - nauczony
Kliknij słowo lub podświetl zwrot, by zobaczyć jego tłumaczenie.
Kliknij przycisk plusa, by dodać słowo/zwrot do nauki.
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