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How's the field coming?
Almost all the trees are down.
Should start working
the land pretty soon.
So I take it with all the
effort you're putting in
that you're planning on staying.
Not sure yet.
Why's that?
Don't exactly know
where I fit in.
This is your home.
If a man can't fit in here,
where can he?
You ever thought about what it might've
been if you'd come back after the war?
So you never thought about it?
I ain't the same as the man
who left all them years back.
I need to understand
why you didn't come back.
I think I'm entitled
to that much.
I'll say this,
and I will say no more
on the subject.
The thought of
coming back to you
was the only thing that got me
through that damn war.
And when it was over,
I swear to you on my life,
I tried coming home.
I swore I was done with killing.
She just wasn't done with me.
working - pracujący
understand - zrozumieć
tried - wypróbowany
through - przez
never - nigdy
trees - drzewa
field - Pole
exactly - dokładnie
entitled - uprawniona
about - o
thing - rzecz
effort - wysiłek
pretty - ładny
start - początek
almost - prawie
after - po
killing - zabicie
should - powinien
think - myśleć
planning - Planowanie
staying - przebywający
putting - kładzenie
swear - przysięgać
coming - przyjście
subject - przedmiot
swore - przysiąg
years - lat
where - gdzie
thought - myśl
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Kliknij przycisk plusa, by dodać słowo/zwrot do nauki.
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