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Rozpocznij naukę
I can still recall
our last summer
I still see it all
walks along the Seine
Laughing in the rain
Our last summer-
Memories that remain
We made our way along the river
And we sat down in the grass
by the Eiffel Tower.
I was so happy we had met.
- It was the age of no regret.
- Oh, yes.
Those crazy years, that was the time
of the flower power.
But underneath we had a fear of flying,
of growing old, a fear of slowly dying.
We took a chance, like we were
dancing our last dance.
I can still recall
our last summer.
I still see it all in the tourist jam
round the Notre Dame.
Our last summer,
walking hand in hand.
Paris restaurants. Our last summer.
Morning croissants
Living for the day.
Worries far away.
Our last summer
we could laugh and play.
And now you're working in a bank.
A family man, a football fan.
And your name is Harry.
How dull it seems?
Are you the hero
of my dreams?
Sophie! Sophie!
Please, I have to go, but, please,
come tomorrow, okay?
Absolutely. We'll be there.
It's a promise.
Walks along the Seine,
laughing in the rain
Our last summer -
memories that remain.
walking - pieszy
underneath - pod spodem
laugh - śmiech
flower - kwiat
happy - szczęśliwy
recall - odwołanie
round - okrągły
growing - rozwój
eiffel - eiffel
chance - szansa
promise - obietnica
tower - wieża
working - pracujący
could - mógłby
restaurants - restauracji
grass - trawa
laughing - śmiać się
flying - latający
living - życie
crazy - zwariowany
football - piłka nożna
dance - taniec
walks - spacery
along - wzdłuż
memories - wspomnienia
absolutely - absolutnie
morning - ranek
dancing - taniec
summer - lato
worries - sumowanie
harry - złupić
croissants - rogaliki
those - te
family - rodzina
dreams - marzenia
remain - pozostawać
years - lat
notre - notre
sophie - sophie
paris - Paryż
please - proszę
power - moc
slowly - powoli
regret - żal
river - rzeka
seems - wydaje się
dying - umierający
seine - niewodu
still - nadal
there - tam
tomorrow - jutro
tourist - turysta
Kliknij słowo lub podświetl zwrot, by zobaczyć jego tłumaczenie.
Kliknij przycisk plusa, by dodać słowo/zwrot do nauki.
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