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Her prayers echoed the grief
of an entire nation.
The small projectile
from the derringer
that John Wilkes Booth used
was still lodged...
Hey, I got fleas.
You distract him.
And all night long...
The Vigil waited in that small boarding
house across from Ford's theatre,
until the wee hours
in the morning...
When fate dealt
that final blow...
A crowd of mourners gathered...
White, black...
Rich and poor.
And so, 10 hours
after that fatal shot,
president Abraham Lincoln...
Mr. Howard,
where are you going?
Mr. Howard.
Todd Howard,
I've been wanting to
speak with you, young man.
Your disruptive behavior
at yesterday's reception
warrants my personal
attention, don't you think?
I don't like practical jokes.
I am not a funny man.
Frankly, I fail
to see the humor
of dressing up in a dog costume
and trying to
frighten our alumni.
But, Dean Dunn...
- Don't give me any of that back talk!
If you're trying to push me,
you have no idea who
you're dealing with.
Your first fight is coming up.
So far, I'm unimpressed.
You'd better not fail me,
because if you do,
I'll call every Dean
at every school,
and you'll never go to college,
anywhere, ever.
Do I make myself crystal clear?
Strange boy.
where - gdzie
vigil - czuwanie
trying - próbować
wilkes - Wilkes
wanting - brakujący
think - myśleć
until - aż do
theatre - teatr
still - nadal
small - mały
reception - recepcja
projectile - pocisk
prayers - modły
school - szkoła
practical - praktyczny
personal - osobisty
night - noc
young - młody
never - nigdy
mourners - żałobnicy
clear - jasny
crowd - tłum
crystal - kryształ
boarding - abordaż
warrants - gwarantuje
disruptive - niszczący
waited - czekał
strange - dziwne
president - prezydent
frankly - szczerze
costume - kostium
abraham - abraham
derringer - derringera
anywhere - gdziekolwiek
dressing - ubieranie się
across - przez
college - szkoła wyższa
dealt - zajmowane
dealing - postępowanie
attention - uwaga
hours - godziny
booth - budka
after - po
alumni - absolwenci
behavior - zachowanie
black - czarny
unimpressed - rozczarowany
going - chodzenie
grief - smutek
first - pierwszy
lincoln - lincoln
better - lepszy
echoed - echem
entire - cały
myself - siebie
coming - przyjście
because - bo
every - dejte pozor
fatal - fatalny
white - biały
speak - mówić
morning - ranek
fight - walka
final - finał
howard - howard
distract - rozpraszać
fleas - pchły
frighten - przestraszyć
jokes - żarty
funny - zabawny
gathered - zebrane
house - dom
nation - naród
humor - humor
lodged - złożony
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