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Hey, you...
Tammi. Tammi. Look, it's good.
Then, why have you
been avoiding me?
I'm not avoiding you.
I texted you,
I called you...
Let me stop you, right there.
It's Tammi, right?
No, don't put
the wall up.
Come back,
come back.
Look at me.
I'm guessing
you've got daddy issues.
That's why you seek approval
in these shallow relationships
I'm not that shallow.
That only leaves you
feeling depressed.
Do you go to sleep
every night crying?
Bottle of whiskey
by your bedside, huh?
Watching re-runs
of Friends,
feeling cheap
and unwanted?
I've been there.
Hey, I helped
Miley Cyrus.
I can help you, too.
Who is she?
I'm his sister and a therapist.
And baby, I think you need
a hug, and my card, okay?
I do pro Bono work, I just...
You might not be
able to afford me,
- I'm gonna call you.
- You do that now.
Listen, I'll be the mom
you never had.
Is she flirting
with me right now?
therapist - Terapeuta
sister - siostra
right - dobrze
relationships - relacje
night - noc
these - te
texted - tekstowy
never - nigdy
miley - miley
daddy - tatuś
whiskey - whisky
cyrus - Cyrus
friends - przyjaciele
leaves - odchodzi
cheap - tani
crying - płacz
flirting - flirtować
unwanted - niepożądany
guessing - zgadywanie
called - nazywa
avoiding - unikanie
bottle - Butelka
there - tam
bedside - łoże boleści
shallow - płytki
approval - Zatwierdzenie
depressed - przygnębiony
listen - słuchać
gonna - gonna
sleep - sen
every - dejte pozor
feeling - uczucie
watching - oglądanie
think - myśleć
tammi - tammi
helped - pomógł
afford - pozwolić sobie
issues - problemy
might - moc
Kliknij słowo lub podświetl zwrot, by zobaczyć jego tłumaczenie.
Kliknij przycisk plusa, by dodać słowo/zwrot do nauki.
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