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Rozpocznij naukę
Where are the belts for this dress?
Why is no one ready?
Here. It's tough call.
They're so different.
Something funny?
No. No, no, nothing's...
You know, it's just that both those belts
look exactly the same to me.
You know, I'm still
learning about this stuff and...
"This stuff"?
Oh, okay. I see. You think
this has nothing to do with you.
You go to your closet...
...and you select, I don't know that
lumpy blue sweater,
for instance...
...because you're trying
to tell the world that you...
take yourself too seriously
to care about what you put on you back
but what you don't know is that
that sweater is not just blue.
It's not turquoise. It's not lapis.
It's actually cerulean.
And you're also blithely
unaware of the fact...
that in 2002, Oscar de la Renta
did a collection of cerulean gowns
and then I think it was
Yves Saint Laurent, wasn't it?
who showed cerulean
military jackets.
I think we need a jacket here.
And then cerulean quickly showed up in the
collections of eight different designers.
And then it filtered down through
the department stores...
and then trickled on down
into some tragic Casual Corner
where you, no doubt,
fished it out of some clearance bin.
However, that blue represents
millions of dollars and countless jobs.
And it's sort of comical how you think
that you've made a choice
that exempts you
from the fashion industry
when, in fact, you're wearing
a sweater that was selected for you
by the people in this room
from a pile of "stuff."
world - świat
where - gdzie
wearing - ma na sobie
unaware - nieświadomy
turquoise - turkus
trying - próbować
trickled - spłukiwany
tough - twardy
think - myśleć
sweater - sweter
stores - sklepy
still - nadal
something - coś
select - wybierz
represents - reprezentuje
eight - osiem
dollars - [object Object]
exactly - dokładnie
designers - projektanci
funny - zabawny
countless - niezliczony
instance - instancja
jackets - kurtki
corner - kąt
doubt - wątpić
those - te
department - departament
collections - kolekcje
fished - złowione
collection - Kolekcja
yourself - siebie
selected - wybrany
comical - komiczny
choice - Wybór
cerulean - cerulean
because - bo
belts - paski
saint - święty
closet - gabinet
military - wojskowy
lapis - lapis
people - ludzie
blithely - blithely
clearance - luz
exempts - zwolnień
fashion - moda
through - przez
casual - codzienny
jacket - Kurtka
about - o
gowns - szlafroki
however - jednak
showed - pokazał
industry - przemysł
nothing - nic
actually - tak właściwie
learning - uczenie się
laurent - Laurent
lumpy - grudkowaty
seriously - poważnie
millions - miliony
stuff - rzeczy
oscar - oscar
tragic - tragiczny
quickly - szybko
different - różne
dress - sukienka
filtered - przefiltrowany
ready - gotowy
renta - Renta
Kliknij słowo lub podświetl zwrot, by zobaczyć jego tłumaczenie.
Kliknij przycisk plusa, by dodać słowo/zwrot do nauki.
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