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Ardsley-on-Hudson is boring and routine.
It's a fucking baby factory.
I want to start my life over again.
So far, I've been a rebellious teenager...
lover... Waitress... Gallery director...
Nanny... and... A whore.
And not necessarily in that order.
I can't just be a wife anymore.
That's why I... Stay awake at night staring at the ceiling.
In fact, the only time I feel like myself is when I'm running.
You always felt that way?
Maybe since I was... About 17.
With Mac.
Mac? Who's Mac?
My brother's best friend.
My brother who died.
I tend to smile when I'm nervous.
Sometimes I laugh.
For a year, Mac and I lived in this hunting cabin.
We started fucking.
We were the saddest people we knew.
But in a way, that cabin made us happy.
No one could find us.
Everyone thought we were dead.
And if you were to run away today, right now, where would you go?
I read once that...
when a train hits, it can rip the clothes right off of you.
I'm pretty sure Scott thinks
the nanny job is gonna make me less restless.
Make me want to get pregnant.
And that's not the case?
When I finish work every night, I run home and I get in the shower
and I wash the smell of that baby off of me as fast as I can.
would - by
where - gdzie
waitress - kelnerka
train - pociąg
today - dzisiaj
thought - myśl
teenager - nastolatek
start - początek
staring - gapiowski
sometimes - czasami
smile - uśmiech
smell - zapach
happy - szczęśliwy
director - dyrektor
nervous - nerwowy
gallery - galeria
factory - fabryka
everyone - każdy
every - dejte pozor
myself - siebie
necessarily - koniecznie
order - zamówienie
clothes - ubranie
fucking - pierdolony
lover - kochanek
started - rozpoczęty
people - ludzie
night - noc
scott - scott
again - jeszcze raz
awake - obudzić
boring - nudny
about - o
gonna - gonna
brother - brat
friend - przyjaciel
maybe - może
restless - niespokojny
ardsley - ardsley
finish - koniec
cabin - kabina
always - zawsze
ceiling - Sufit
thinks - myśli
hudson - hudson
anymore - już
laugh - śmiech
lived - Mieszkał
whore - kurwa
nanny - niania
pregnant - w ciąży
pretty - ładny
since - od
could - mógłby
rebellious - buntowniczy
right - dobrze
hunting - polowanie
saddest - smutny
routine - rutyna
running - bieganie
shower - prysznic
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