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You woke me up for this?
I wanna talk to you.
- What's happening, then, Chad?
- I'm tired.
Come on, talk to me, boy.
Nothing going on. Sleep, that's all.
So why the fuck did you behave
like such a little twat yesterday?
Worse than the kids, you was.
Fucking ignore me!
What the fuck you done that for?
You got no idea, Chad.
No idea the troubles I've had
putting all this together.
And here you are, my eldest,
acting like the prize div.
You know what my
dad once said to me?
Yeah, I do.
What the fuck is
the matter with you, then?
I'm just trying
to look after my family, Col.
What you say?
I'm your family.
You're forgetting who you are, boy.
I swear to God, I will fucking smash
your puny little fucking skull
and then I will pluck every little
pubic hair out of your bollocks
if I think you're getting anywhere close
- to being a fucking gorgie.
- Come here.
Give your dad a kiss.
All right, then, Tyson?
All right? Morning.
Glad you're here, me boy.
Just saying,
we got a job for you, we have.
Spell "Free Bryan."
Right, come on, you do it.
Right, there you go, right there.
Spell it.
There we go, that's it.
Now we're a proper crew.
wanna - chcę
trying - próbować
tired - zmęczony
think - myśleć
there - tam
swear - przysięgać
tyson - Tyson
spell - zaklęcie
smash - rozbić
skull - czaszka
right - dobrze
troubles - kłopoty
putting - kładzenie
pubic - łonowy
proper - właściwy
together - razem
pluck - podroby
eldest - najstarszy
saying - powiedzenie
bryan - bryan
sleep - sen
every - dejte pozor
after - po
gorgie - gorgie
bollocks - bollocks
anywhere - gdziekolwiek
fucking - pierdolony
worse - gorzej
being - istota
acting - gra aktorska
close - blisko
getting - coraz
behave - zachować się
little - mało
prize - nagroda
family - rodzina
happening - wydarzenie
yesterday - wczoraj
morning - ranek
forgetting - zapominając
ignore - ignorować
nothing - nic
going - chodzenie
matter - materia
Kliknij słowo lub podświetl zwrot, by zobaczyć jego tłumaczenie.
Kliknij przycisk plusa, by dodać słowo/zwrot do nauki.
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