(feat. Kanye West)

[Sample + (Kanye West):]

Some people (Yeah)

Some people (unh-unh)

Some people really are

Still dreaming (And as the sun sets

and the night falls)

They are still dreaming (and them hoes call)

[Verse 1: Kane West]

He pulled up at 6:30 in his 745

As he wavin' his shorty hi, you know he showin' his bling out

She got in the car, he drove, he pulled his thing out

His girl call, feelin' she mad, she threw the ring out

How she found out, she dreamt the whole thing out

Y'all be goin' through problems you gotta work the kinks out

When you go to sleep, what do you think 'bout?

If y'all get a divorce she gon' take everything except the kitchen sink out

Make it so cold that you gotta pull ya mink out

Or grab ya roller skates and, turn a roller rink out

You now back up in the club, in the club, tryna min-gle

Meanwhile, she out, doin' the same thing now

Nightmares from ya dream gal make ya scream out

[Chorus: sample + Kanye & Nas]

Some people really (still dreamin')

Some people really (make ya scream out)

Some people really are (still)

Still dreaming (st-still dreamin')

(O-o-o-o-one two one two

Some dreams stay dreams some dreams come true)

They are still dreaming

(O-o-o-o-one two one two

Some dreams stay dreams some dreams come true)

Some people really

Some people really

worked - trabalhou
verse - versículo
tryna - tryna
thousandth - milésimo
think - pensar
thing - coisa
still - ainda
stick - bastão
sleep - dormir
scream - grito
school - escola
scheme - esquema
quick - rápido
pulled - puxado
problems - problemas
people - pessoas
pedicure - pedicure
serve - servir
nightmares - pesadelos
rental - aluguel
night - noite
master - mestre
large - ampla
threw - jogou
since - desde a
looks - parece
could - poderia
chorus - coro
world - mundo
kitchen - cozinha
dream - sonhe
clapped - aplaudido
castle - castelo
sheets - folhas
cards - cartões
coulda - coulda
broads - broads
roller - rolo
found - encontrado
gotta - tenho que
chain - cadeia
before - antes
bricks - tijolos
would - seria
nobody - ninguém
credit - crédito
bright - brilhante
really - realmente
green - verde
bread - pão
dreaming - sonhando
around - por aí
different - diferente
tools - ferramentas
skates - patins
blast - explosão
shorty - baixinha
alright - bem
whole - todo
bathroom - banheiro
bitch - cadela
everything - tudo
kanye - kanye
several - de várias
accident - acidente
shells - cartuchos
niggas - niggas
important - importante
cashews - castanha de caju
bagged - ensacado
backwards - para trás
sample - amostra
crews - tripulações
divorce - divórcio
crossed - cruzou
meanwhile - enquanto isso
deserve - merecer
kinks - torce
together - juntos
dreamt - sonhou
drove - dirigiu
dudes - caras
bling - Bling
echelon - escalão
entrapment - aprisionamento
except - exceto
falls - cai
through - através
little - pequeno
dreams - sonhos
family - família

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